

Robot Snakes to be Sent to Mars

The Mars Curiosity Rover has been on Mars for a little over one year now, and much has been learned during this time. One of ... Full story

  • 'GTA V' Set to Swipe Gamers' Time

    'GTA V' Set to Swipe Gamers' Time


    NEW YORK — Get ready for theft on a massive scale as Grand Theft Auto V — the latest installment in the billion-dollar video game

  • Walmart Offers Discounts Ahead of iPhone 5C Pre-Orders

    Walmart Offers Discounts Ahead of iPhone 5C Pre-Orders


    Pre-orders for the colorful iPhone 5C begin early tomorrow morning through several major U.S. carriers, though Walmart is also offering a bit of a discount

  • 'More Fun, More Colourful' iPhone 5C Is Made of Plastic, Costs Only $99 - and Will Have a Longer-Lasting Battery

    'More Fun, More Colourful' iPhone 5C Is Made of Plastic, Costs Only $99 - and Will Have a Longer-Lasting Battery


    In what's been classed as a 'make or break' event for Apple, the tech firm has unveiled a price-cut handset called the iPhone 5C and

  • First Glimpse at the New Fingerprint Pad on the New iPhone 5S After Images of the Mobile Are Leaked

    First Glimpse at the New Fingerprint Pad on the New iPhone 5S After Images of the Mobile Are Leaked


    Fans of the iPhone have apparently been given a sneak peak at the latest model after images of the mobile's packaging was leaked online. While it

  • iPhone Fingerprint Scanner Is Coming

    iPhone Fingerprint Scanner Is Coming


    Apple is expected to release a new iPhone in this month, and new reports indicate that the next version — assumed to be called the

  • 'They Watched Me in the Bath Via My Laptop'

    'They Watched Me in the Bath Via My Laptop'


    A university student has revealed how she was spied on by hackers while she was in the bath. English student Rachel Hyndman was using her laptop

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