Justin Bieber Banned From Boston Bruins
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Justin Bieber touched the Stanley Cup and stepped on the Chicago Blackhawks logo a few weeks ago and those egregious errors in judgment have led to a Boston Bruins lockdown.
Before the Biebs put on a show at TD Garden this weekend the Bruins roped off the team logo.
Preventing Justin from Biebering all over the place is becoming an increasingly important job. Recently Bieber peed in a restaurants mop bucket while swearing at Bill Clinton and he abandoned his pet monkey while traveling.
The Boston Bruins also made sure that plenty of staff were on hand to deal with Bieber in case he figured out how to break free of his roped shackles.
The Bruins management and players take the logo serious. In fact after a recent game Tyler Sequin warned people to “watch out for the logo” before he would field any questions from reporters. Even with 50 people around his locker he made sure the logo was protected.
Avoiding the Boston Bruins logo in the teams locker room is less about superstition and more about following a long team tradition that dates back many years. Then again not touching the Stanley Cup unless you win it is also a longheld tradition. In fact, people transporting the Stanley Cup wear soft micro-fiber gloves.
Here’s a Twitter pic that shows the Boston Bruins roping off the logo to avoid Justin Bieber’s dirty paw prints:
Bieber is in Boston tonight… Smart move by the Bruins #onlyhockeyfanswillgetit pic.twitter.com/WUC2ITgxeN
— Cam Wolbach (@cwolbach5) July 20, 2013
I still stand behind the idea that the best way to avoid Justin Bieber is to not invite him out into the real world. I always think of the saying “this is why we can’t have nice things” when I think of the young pop star.
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