
Joseph Gordon Levitt Wants Writers and Visual Artists for a New Short Film

By Erin 0

Joseph Gordon-Levitt wants YOU...that is, if you're a writer or visual artist. In a video message posted earlier today on YouTube, Gordon-Levitt asks writers and visual artists to contribute to an "Untitled History Repeating Itself Short Film" for hitRECord, the collaborative production company which is developing a TV series for Participant Media's new cable network.

The latest assignment is to write and illustrate a short animated film that will show how history has repeated itself during the years 1666, 1910, and 2000 for the "Patterns" episode of the show, "The Regularity."

It's unclear whether contributors will receive any form of payment for their work. And it's not the first time (or the last) that Gordon-Levitt will appeal to creatives to contribute to HitRECord.

His current request might require that you put on your thinking caps. Here is how you can contribute:

WRITERS: Write a Script based on THIS TEXT RECORD that interweaves the 3 stories (from 1666, 1910, and 2000) & includes these 3 Characters in each iteration: The PROPHET, The BELIEVER, and THE DOUBTER (all based on historical characters.) 

VISUAL ARTISTS: Illustrate Historical Characters from each time period: 1666, 1910, and 2000.

Are you interested? Watch the video below to hear exactly what's required:

Tags: Joseph Gordon Levitt, Joseph Gordon Levitt Short Film

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