Lil Bub May Be the Cutest Kitty in the World
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What has 22 claws, no teeth and has been cuddled by Robert DeNiro? Lil Bub, of course. The super-cute kitty's owner describes her as "one of nature’s happy accidents," and "Good Morning America" has anointed her "the cutest cat in the world." Seems Bub was born a "perma-kitten," meaning she’ll forever remain kitten-sized, along with having stubby legs, extra toes, a long body and teeth that never grew in. (That's what makes her tongue loll out. Constantly.) All of this cuteness makes for one famous kitty. Bub has a biography titled "Lil Bub’s Lil Book," not to mention thousands of fans online. Yeah. She's kind of a big deal. Check out some of her cutest photos above.
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