
Richard III

The face of Richard III: Reconstruction reveals the slain king more than 500 years after he was killed in battle

The face of Richard III: Reconstruction reveals the slain king more than 500 years after he was killed in battle


This is the face of Richard III, reconstructed from the skull found beneath a social services car park that was yesterday confirmed as that of

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  • Richard III: Voice of a king - audio reveals monarch 'had Brummie accent' - listen

    Richard III: Voice of a king - audio reveals monarch 'had Brummie accent' - listen


    5 Feb 2013 13:32 Dr Philip Shaw studied the king's use of grammar and spelling in postscripts on a series of letters Getty A medieval language expert believes

  • DNA results confirm Richard III has been found under a car park in Leicester

    DNA results confirm Richard III has been found under a car park in Leicester


    Human remains found buried beneath a social services car park in Leicester are those of Richard III who was killed in battle in 1485, archaeologists

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