
Thatcher Funeral

Britain Gives Baroness Thatcher Send-Off She Deserved - Part 2

Britain Gives Baroness Thatcher Send-Off She Deserved - Part 2


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  • How 10 veterans from Falklands regiments carried Lady Thatcher's coffin into St Paul's as plans she made herself went off without a hitch

    How 10 veterans from Falklands regiments carried Lady Thatcher's coffin into St Paul's as plans she made herself went off without a hitch


    The 10 men who carried Baroness Thatcher's coffin into St Paul's Cathedral today were watched by an audience of millions - but as brave military

  • Thatcher funeral: Demonstrators pretending to be mourners plan to disrupt funeral by blowing horns and turning their back as the cortege passes

    Thatcher funeral: Demonstrators pretending to be mourners plan to disrupt funeral by blowing horns and turning their back as the cortege passes


    Despite more than a week of threats from anti-Thatcher protestors, the demonstrators at the Iron Lady's funeral were drowned out by her fans today.  As Baroness

  • Emotional George Osborne wipes away a tear as friends and enemies united to pay respects to Britain's first female PM

    Emotional George Osborne wipes away a tear as friends and enemies united to pay respects to Britain's first female PM


    An emotional George Osborne wiped away a tear during Margaret Thatcher's funeral as the great and the good gathered at St Paul's Cathedral to bid

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