
Nanny cam catches mom's ruthless beating by home invader as daughter, 3, watches

By Staff K 0

  • An infant boy slept upstairs as the thief brutalized a New Jersey mom
  • The criminal is still at large
  • Police believe he thought no one was home

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 09:03 EST, 25 June 2013 | UPDATED: 10:55 EST, 25 June 2013



A woman tending to her 3-year-old daughter and infant son last week was ruthlessly attacked by a home invader and the shocking beating was caught on a nanny cam.

Over and over again, an unidentified man kicked and punched the terrified mom, all while her 3-year-old daughter watched and an infant boy slept upstairs in the Millburn, New Jersey home.

The woman and her daughter were watching morning cartoons on the couch when a man kicked in their front bolted door and immediately began to savagely attack the helpless mother.

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Otherwise quiet: A home invader in Millburn, New Jersey savagely beat a mother as her daughter, 3, watched and the footage was all caught on nanny cam Friday morning

Otherwise quiet: A home invader in Millburn, New Jersey savagely beat a mother as her daughter, 3, watched and the footage was all caught on nanny cam Friday morning


A baby’s photograph can be seen hanging from the wall above the home’s staircase in video of the incident.

It was, by all appearances, the home of a happy, growing family. 

But their foundations have been shaken. The comfortable, tree-lined neighborhood now worries for its safety as the intruder remains at large.

And that includes its children.

Deeply shaken: The young mother was tossed around ruthlessly, and beaten and kicked over and over as her infant son slept upstairs and cartoons played on the television

Deeply shaken: The young mother was tossed around ruthlessly, and beaten and kicked over and over as her infant son slept upstairs and cartoons played on the television

Merciless: The woman was kicked and punched even as she lay helplessly on the ground and the thief appears to pocket items from her person or the table beside her

As the woman’s little girl—seen blurred in the footage—watched her mother being kicked over a dozen times, video shows the attacker turn and speak to her.

At a point, the invader seems to make physical contact with the child, but she was not injured.

The robber made off with an undetermined amount of jewelry, according to NBC News. But not before shoving his victim down the basement stairs.

She was taken to the hospital and treated for a concussion and extensive bruising on her face and body.

Her husband was at work in New York City when the invasion took place.

Lasting: The attack occurred Friday morning while the woman's husband was at work in New York City. She was treated for a concussion and extensive bruising

Lasting: The attack occurred Friday morning while the woman's husband was at work in New York City. She was treated for a concussion and extensive bruising

Blind sided: The attack occurred on this tree-lined, Essex County, New Jersey street. The victim's blinds were closed and no car was in the driveway. Police believe the invader thought no one was home

Blind sided: The attack occurred on this tree-lined, Essex County, New Jersey street. The victim's blinds were closed and no car was in the driveway. Police believe the invader thought no one was home

Scarring: The little girl, 3, is seen here blurred at left. She watched her mother being attacked and at one point the invader appears to speak to her and possibly make contact with her. She was unharmed

Scarring: The little girl, 3, is seen here blurred at left. She watched her mother being attacked and at one point the invader appears to speak to her and possibly make contact with her. She was unharmed

Police believe the man thought he’d be alone when he entered the home—the blinds were drawn and no car sat in the driveway.

And though he found the home occupied, he still had the run of the place and police believe the same man has committed similar crimes before.

Authorities hope the gruesome video will help bring the perpetrator to justice.

Loose: The thief shoved the woman down the basement stairs and made off with an unknown amount of jewelry. He remains at large and police think he's done this before

Loose: The thief shoved the woman down the basement stairs and made off with an unknown amount of jewelry. He remains at large and police think he's done this before

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