
Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Oprah lead the women claiming SIX of top 10 spots in Forbes' Celebrity 100

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  • Oprah has been runner-up for two years, and was top in 2010
  • Made $77m this calendar year, but still beat Madonna who made $125
  • Jennifer Lopez was top of 2012 list, but is now 12th
  • Lady Gaga came top in 2011, and is now second
  • Steven Spielberg is only man in the top five... Jon Bon Jovi is seventh
  • Justin Bieber drops from third to ninth

By Martha De Lacey

PUBLISHED: 04:52 EST, 26 June 2013 | UPDATED: 06:47 EST, 26 June 2013



Oprah Winfrey is back in her throne on top of Forbes' list of the world's most powerful celebrities, after a two-year stint in the runner-up seat.

The billionaire American talk-show host, 59, knocked singer Jennifer Lopez off the spot and into number 12, but still shares the top ten winners' enclosure arena with a multitude of women.

There are six girls in the plum positions - and the only man to make it into the top five is film director Steven Spielberg, who, coming third, is sandwiched between Lady Gaga in second and Beyonce in fourth.

Oprah Winfrey was top of the list in 2010, but lost out to Jennifer Lopez last year and Lady Gaga in 2011

Oprah Winfrey was top of the list in 2010, but lost out to Jennifer Lopez last year and Lady Gaga in 2011

Madonna comes fifth and Taylor Swift makes her top 10 debut at number six in the annual Top 100 compiled by the financial magazine, which is based on income over a 12-month period and fame, as defined by a media presence across all platforms, as well as social media power.

Forbes calculated celebrity's earnings on income from tours, books, contracts, endorsements, movies and residuals and each star was given a marketability score, created by California market research firm E-Poll. 

Forbes credits Oprah's $77 million (£50m) earnings between June 2012 and June 2013 - as well as her prominence on TV, on social media and in the press - for her placing.

Lady Gaga, despite being forced to cancel numerous dates on her moneymaking 'Born This Way Ball' tour due to hip surgery earlier this year, earned $80 million from the global jaunt

Lady Gaga, despite being forced to cancel numerous dates on her moneymaking 'Born This Way Ball' tour due to hip surgery earlier this year, earned $80 million from the global jaunt

Forbes writer Dorothy Pomerantz said: 'She still wields an enormous amount of power, which is really what we look for in our fame matrix.

Winfrey, who has topped the list on four previous occasions, is one of three celebrities who have featured on the prestigious list every year since its inception in 1999

'She is taking this cable network and turning it around just through the sheer force of her will, her connections and her ability.'

Winfrey, who has topped the list on four previous occasions, is one of three celebrities who have featured on the prestigious list every year since its inception in 1999, along with radio DJ Howard Stern and director Steven Spielberg.

Buy she wasn't the highest earning star over the last year. Madonna earned $125 million (£81m) between June 2012 and June 2013.

Singer Beyonce came fourth on the list, just below Steven Spielberg but above Madonna

Singer Beyonce came fourth on the list, just below Steven Spielberg but above Madonna

Director Steven Spielberg, left, is the only man to make the top five, while singer Taylor Swift, right, makes a Top 10 debut at number six

Last year's number one, Jennifer Lopez - who topped the chart thanks to her public profile and earnings of $52 million - drops to 12 on this year's countdown.

Lady Gaga, despite being forced to cancel numerous dates on her moneymaking 'Born This Way Ball' tour due to hip surgery earlier this year, earned $80 million from the global jaunt

Meanwhile, Lady Gaga, despite being forced to cancel numerous dates on her moneymaking 'Born This Way Ball' tour due to hip surgery earlier this year, earned $80 million from the global jaunt.

Forbes also cites the 27-year-old star's devoted fan following on social media for her lofty ranking.

Pomerantz said: 'She is still a huge force in pop music. Even when she is not playing, people are talking about her and speculating about her.'

Forbes also deciphered how often individual stars appeared in the media and used Starcount - a Singapore-based company that studies celebrity's presence on 11 different social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to assess popularity and influence.

Justin Bieber manages to hold onto his place in the top ten, coming in at number nine

Justin Bieber manages to hold onto his place in the top ten, coming in at number nine


1 Oprah Winfrey

2 Lady Gaga

3 Steven Spielberg

4 Beyonce

5 Madonna

6 Taylor Swift

7 Jon Bon Jovi

8 Roger Federer

9 Justin Bieber

10 Ellen DeGeneres

11 Hugh Jackman

12 Jennifer Lopez

13 Rihanna

14 Coldplay

15 Tiger Woods

16 LeBron James

17 Simon Cowell

18 Katy Perry

19 David Beckham

20 Robert Downey Jnr


1. Jennifer Lopez

2 Oprah Winfrey

3 Justin Bieber

4 Rihanna

5 Lady Gaga

6 Britney Spears

7 Kim Kardashian

8 Katy Perry

9 Tom Cruise

10 Steven Spielberg

11 Taylor Swift

12 Tiger Woods

13 Angelina Jolie

14 Donald Trump

15 LeBron James

16 Beyonce

17 Elton John

18 Simon Cowell

19 Rush Limbaugh

20 Tyler Perry

Who's new on the list?

Emma Stone makes the list for the first time, debuting at 84

Emma Stone makes the list for the first time, debuting at 84

A number of bright young starlets make their Forbes Celebrity 100 debut.

Spider-Man actress Emma Stone (who is going out with Andrew Garfield, the man behind the red webbed mask off-screen, too) appears in 84th place.

Her beau doesn't make the cut. This is largely - according to Forbes' Pomerantz - due to how Stone, a face of Revlon cosmetics, helped catapult low-budget 2010 comedy Easy A into the headlines and netted the $8m indie flick $75m.

Forbes estimate Stone earned $16m over the last 12 months.

Neil Patrick Harris makes his debut thanks to the huge success of How I Met Your Mother, soon to be in its ninth season on CBS.

Mila Kunis, who launched her career on That ’70s Show in 1998 and then as the voice of Meg in Family Guy (a role she still plays), has shot to fame since the successes of Black Swan.

And comedian Amy Poehler, star of Parks & Recreation, also jumps onto the list.

Tags: USA

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