
Astonishing footage of speeding tanker truck that leaps across highway and explodes as it comes crashing down

By Sofia Munez 0

This is the terrifying moment an enormous articulated tanker launched into the air at high speed across the path of a driver and exploded into a ball of flames.

The incredible footage was caught by chance and posted online by

Benny Wright, whose disbelief at the freak incident happening before his eyes is unmistakable.

Taking off: The tanker suddenly comes into view form the left and launches into the air

Taking off: The tanker suddenly comes into view form the left and launches into the air

Flying: For a moment the tanker is completely off the ground, travelling at speed across the road

Flying: For a moment the tanker is completely off the ground, travelling at speed across the road

Travelling in a vehicle with another man, and by chance filming the road ahead, the enormous tanker suddenly appears from the left, charging along at high speed.

The out-of-control vehicle launches completely off the ground, 'flying' over the road they are driving on, in front of their eyes.

'What the!' says one of the men in the vehicle.

The out-of-control vehicle lands and immediately explodes into flames

The out-of-control vehicle lands and immediately explodes into flames

An fireball erupts from the tanker to the stunned remarks of the men watching

An fireball erupts from the tanker to the stunned remarks of the men watching

The entire tanker is in mid air for a brief moment before is crashes and ploughs into grassland exploding into a fireball.

An enormous mushroom plume of black smoke billows into the air as the tanker comes to a halt.

As an inferno rages in the tanker's path, the stunned drivers come to  halt.

One of them says: ''I got him on camera... I'm going to go see if he's alright.'

He is then seen running in the direction of the fireball. It is not known what the outcome of the crash was.

As black smoke billows up, one of the men runs towards to inferno to see if anyone is hurt

As black smoke billows up, one of the men runs towards to inferno to see if anyone is hurt


Tags: Editors Choice

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