
Baby whose life support was switched off for 20 MINUTES stuns doctors by continuing to breathe...and goes on to make an amazing recovery

By Sofia Munez 0

  • Harrison Ellmer contracted meningitis when he was three-weeks-old
  • Doctors believed that they would not be able to save his life
  • He was taken to a hospice and his life support machine was turned off
  • But he continued to breathe and was soon well enough to go home
  • Harrison has been left deaf in his right ear and with mild cerebral palsy but he is otherwise developing normally

By Emma Innes

PUBLISHED: 04:36 EST, 2 August 2013 | UPDATED: 09:45 EST, 2 August 2013



A baby taken to a hospice to die after contracting meningitis has stunned doctors by continuing to breathe, despite having his ventilator switched off.

Harrison Ellmer was taken to Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, in Sheffield, for what was thought would be his final moments with his parents Adam Ellmer and Sam Baker.

But incredibly, three-week-old Harrison proved he was a fighter and despite the machine being switched off, he continued to breathe.

Harrison Ellmer (pictured with his parents Samantha Baker and Adam Ellmer) contracted meningitis when he was just three-weeks-old. Doctors thought he could not be saved so he was taken to a hospice

Harrison Ellmer (pictured with his parents Samantha Baker and Adam Ellmer) contracted meningitis when he was just three-weeks-old. Doctors thought he could not be saved so he was taken to a hospice

Now Harrison, aged six months, has made an amazing recovery.

His mother, Mr Baker, 20, said: ‘I was holding Harrison with Adam in front of me and family around us. The nurse switched off the machine and left and we just stared at him.

‘No one said a word for 20 minutes. We watched him breathing on his own and he just carried on, getting better and better.

‘It was the happiest moment of our lives. After that, we couldn’t wait to come home. It was like bringing him back for the first time all over again.’

Harrison was born healthy but became ill a few weeks later and had to be taken by ambulance to Rotherham Hospital.

The youngster needed to be resuscitated and - fearing the worst - his parents even had him christened at the hospital.

Harrison's life support machine was turned off but he continued to breathe and was soon well enough to return home. He has been left deaf in one ear and with mild cerebral palsy

Harrison's life support machine was turned off but he continued to breathe and was soon well enough to return home. He has been left deaf in one ear and with mild cerebral palsy

Harrison was born healthy but became ill a few weeks later and had to be taken by ambulance to Rotherham Hospital where he was resuscitated

Harrison was born healthy but became ill a few weeks later and had to be taken by ambulance to Rotherham Hospital where he was resuscitated

Mr Ellmer, 23, said: ‘They didn’t know exactly what was wrong then but said he was a very poorly baby. He was on all kinds of antibiotics and treatments.

‘He was on the high dependency ward and they said it would go one of two ways.

‘He could stay there if he got better or would need to go to Sheffield Children’s Hospital if he got worse. Ten or 15 minutes later they said he needed to be moved.’

Fearing that he would die, Harrison's parents had him christened while he was in hospital

Fearing that he would die, Harrison's parents had him christened while he was in hospital

After Harrison had been in hospital for six days doctors told his parents that there was nothing more they could do for him and he was transferred to the Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice

After Harrison had been in hospital for six days doctors told his parents that there was nothing more they could do for him and he was transferred to the Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice

Harrison had two CT scans that evening after being transferred from Rotherham.

His father, a pipe fitter, said: ‘The news kept varying.

‘It went from them saying he was getting a little better to them telling us he might not make it. We didn’t know what to think or how to feel.’

Harrison's mother, Samantha Baker, said that when she took him home from the hospital it was the happiest moment of her life and that it was likely taking him home for the first time all over again

Harrison's mother, Samantha Baker, said that when she took him home from the hospital it was the happiest moment of her life and that it was likely taking him home for the first time all over again

Ms Baker said that she now sees her son as a 'little miracle'. Harrison is pictured in hospital with his parents and grandmother

Ms Baker said that she now sees her son as a 'little miracle'. Harrison is pictured in hospital with his parents and grandmother

Six days later Mr Ellmer and Ms Baker, from Rotherham, South Yorkshire, were given the devastating news that nothing more could be done for their son.

They made the choice for him to spend his final moments in peaceful Bluebell Wood.

Harrison’s illness has left him deaf in his right ear and with mild cerebral palsy but he is otherwise developing normally.

Harrison's parents have now raised more than £5,000 for the Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice

Harrison's parents have now raised more than £5,000 for the Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice

Bluebell Wood fundraiser Gail Parkin said: 'It's wonderful to see Harrison looking so well after everything he went through. He's certainly a tough little cookie'

Bluebell Wood fundraiser Gail Parkin said: 'It's wonderful to see Harrison looking so well after everything he went through. He's certainly a tough little cookie'

Sam said: ‘He is such a happy, healthy baby. He’s our little miracle.’

The couple have now raised more than £5,000 for Bluebell Wood.

Bluebell Wood fundraiser Gail Parkin said: ‘It’s wonderful to see Harrison looking so well after everything he went through. He’s certainly a tough little cookie.’


A fever and cold hands and feet

Refusing food and vomiting

Being fretful and disliking being handled

Drowsiness and unresponsiveness

An unusual cry or moaning

Neck stiffness and a dislike of bright lights

Pale, blotchy skin or a red rash that does not disappear under pressure

Seizures or fits

Source: The Meningitis Trust

Tags: Health, Health, Odd News

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