
How the world will look in 2083: A tunnel linking Europe and the U.S., £20 loaves of bread and £476.86 pints of lager (plus we'll all be millionaires)

By Sofia Munez 0

  • Subjects living under the rule of future King George will witness teleportation, hyper-intelligent computers, deadly heat waves
  • The average wedding will cost a staggering £132,000 while raising a child to the age of 18 will set you back almost £5.6m.
  • Predictions have been made based on historical data and annual growth

By Ellie Zolfagharifard

PUBLISHED: 09:43 EST, 16 August 2013 | UPDATED: 10:00 EST, 16 August 2013



Subjects living under the rule of future King George will all be millionaires, witness teleportation and pay £20 for a loaf of bread, according to experts.

With Royal baby fever gripping the nation over recent weeks, an investment firm has compiled the research to see what life would be like when the Royal newborn takes to the throne.

Using the year 2083 as a benchmark, researchers from the investment firm used historical data calculated with annual growth rates to compile an astonishing list of predictions.

Landlord, Pour Us a Few Pints

By 2083, a pint of lager is expected to cost £476.86 but the price of a Big Mac, which has remained remarkably stable for the past decade, will rise only slightly to £3.73

Everyday groceries including a pint of milk and a dozen eggs will cost £321.21 and £66.03 respectively while home owners can expect to pay an average of almost £7 million for new properties.

A pint of lager is expected to cost £476.86 but the price of a Big Mac, which has remained remarkably stable for the past decade, will rise only slightly to £3.73.

Their findings revealed the average wedding will cost a staggering £132,000 while raising a child to the age of 18 will set you back almost £5.6m.

Everyday groceries including a pint of milk and a dozen eggs will cost £321.21 and £66.03 respectively, while home owners can expect to pay an average of almost £7 million for new properties

The data projections also found that subjects of Prince Cambridge will live for much longer.

‘Many of our investors are parents of young children that will grow up to be the subjects of King George,’ said David Garner, Managing Director of DGCAssetManagement.com.

‘They want to know how to plan for their children's future and what that future might look like financially.

‘We used historical data to calculate compound annual growth rates, which we then applied over the next 70 years to 2083.


Subjects living under the rule of future King George will all be millionaires, witness teleportation and pay £20 for a loaf of bread, according to experts

‘We also adjusted for inflation, to provide a better comparison with today's prices.

‘Some of the numbers might seem outrageous at first but when you consider that a pint of milk cost 20p just 30 years ago, paying £320 in 2083 is not too difficult to imagine.’

Separate research at FutureTimeline.net predicts that hyper-intelligent computers will perform ‘the equivalent of all human thought over the last ten thousand years in less than ten microseconds.’

They also believe that by 2083, the average citizen will have access to a wide array of biotechnology implants and personal medical devices.

Humans becoming more technologically

Humans could have fully artificial organs that never fail, bionic eyes and ears providing superman-like senses and nanoscale brain interfaces which greatly augment the wearer's intelligence

These could include fully artificial organs that never fail, bionic eyes and ears providing superman-like senses, nanoscale brain interfaces which greatly augment the wearer's intelligence and synthetic.

The future experts predict our scientific achievements by 2083 will include a trans-Atlantic tunnel providing fast travel between the USA and Europe and five year survival rates for brain tumours close to 100 per cent.

The 2080s will not be so bright for many animal species though as lizards and polar bears will be extinct, whilst agriculture is set to suffer as a result of ‘deadly heat waves.’

In the peak of summer, temperatures in major cities such as London and Paris reach over 40°C.

In some of the more southerly parts of the continent, temperatures of over 50°C are reported. Thousands are dying of heat exhaustion.

The 2080s will see temperatures in major cities such as London and Paris reach over 40°C and the first manned exploration to Jupiter

They believe that forest fires will rage in many places while prolonged, ongoing droughts will cause many rivers to run permanently dry.

Spain, Italy and the Balkans, they believe, will turn into desert nations, with climates similar to North Africa.

On a brighter note, experiments in quantum entanglement, made possible by artificial intelligence and picotechnology, will provide major breakthroughs in travel.

By 2083, the future experts claim it will be possible to teleport macro-scale objects from one location to another.

The future monarch is also expected to oversee the worldwide adoption of a common currency and the first manned expedition to orbit the planet Jupiter.


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