
'One of the loose ends that really haunts me': Casey Anthony's attorney uses books new foreword to question why no-one ever discovered why little Caylee's body ended up in the woods

By Mandy Oteng 0

  • Casey Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez, uses the foreword to his paper-back book to question why Caylee Anthony was found in the woods
  • Reveals he does not know how her body got there - but criticizes the police for not investigating George Anthony, Casey's father
  • Anthony was accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in 2008
  • She was found guilty of four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to law enforcement and released from jail in July 2011

By Hayley Peterson and James Nye

PUBLISHED: 22:57 EST, 21 August 2013 | UPDATED: 22:57 EST, 21 August 2013



Casey Anthony's outspoken attorney, Jose Baez, has decided to question the role of her father George Anthony in the apparent drowning death of his granddaughter, Caylee, five years ago.

Just over two years on from Casey Anthony's controversial acquittal for the murder of her two-year-old girl, Baez uses the new foreword for his book 'Presumed Guilty', which recounts the dramatic trial, to cast aspersions on why the police never fully investigated George.

Baez's insinuations coincide with the publication of the paperback version and revolve around George telling Casey that 'he'd take care of it' - in reference to how George held Caylee's lifeless body in his arms following her drowning and how Caylee's body came to be found.

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New Paperback: Criminal defense attorney Jose Baez signs copies of his book 'Presumed Guilty: Casey Anthony: The Inside Story at Books and Books on July 30, 2012 in Coral Gables, Florida - at his new offices

New Paperback: Criminal defense attorney Jose Baez signs copies of his book 'Presumed Guilty: Casey Anthony: The Inside Story at Books and Books on July 30, 2012 in Coral Gables, Florida - at his new offices

The paperback version of the book will reach stores on Tuesday and in the foreword, Baez recounts a lunch he had with his opposite number during the trial, lead prosecutor, Linda Drane Burdick.

'Regardless of what happened, whoever threw Caylee into those woods like that deserves to rot in hell,' Burdick told Baez according to the Orlando Sentinel. 'You don't do that to a baby.'

Baez writes: 'I agreed. This fact disturbs me greatly. It's the one fact that will never change. You don't do that to a baby. Whoever put Caylee there, I curse you.'

In fact, Baez writes that the entire issue of who dumped the baby in the woods is the 'one loose end that really haunts me.'

Loose Ends: George Anthony reacts as he waits for the jury's verdict to be read in the murder case against his daughter Casey Anthony in the courtroom at the Orange County Courthouse Orlando, Florida July 5, 2011

Loose Ends: George Anthony reacts as he waits for the jury's verdict to be read in the murder case against his daughter Casey Anthony in the courtroom at the Orange County Courthouse Orlando, Florida July 5, 2011

Not Guilty: Casey Anthony listens to the testimony of Krystal Holloway, who claims to have had an affair with Anthony's father, during her murder trial at the Orange County Courthouse on June 30, 2011 in Orlando, Florida

Not Guilty: Casey Anthony listens to the testimony of Krystal Holloway, who claims to have had an affair with Anthony's father, during her murder trial at the Orange County Courthouse on June 30, 2011 in Orlando, Florida

Adversary: Assistant state attorney Linda Drane Burdick presents the final portion of rebuttal in Casey Anthony's murder trial at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando, Florida, July 4, 2011

Adversary: Assistant state attorney Linda Drane Burdick presents the final portion of rebuttal in Casey Anthony's murder trial at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando, Florida, July 4, 2011

Turning his attention to George Anthony, Baez does repeat and stand by the claim made by the defense that Caylee drowned in the family swimming pool and that Casey and her father conspired to cover up the tragedy.

Baez writes: 'According to Casey, George held Caylee's lifeless body in his arms and, after accusing Casey of being responsible for her death, told Casey he'd 'take care of it.'

'Caylee's body was discovered dumped in the woods. That was all I was ever able to uncover about how Caylee ended up where she did.'

Baez also criticizes the police for never investigating George Anthony and dismisses out of hand the notorious report from WKMG-Channel 6's Tony Pipitone that an internet search was conducted on the Anthony computer for 'foolproof suffocation'.

He also turns his attentions to Chief Judge Belvin Perry Jr. 'compromised' the jurors' safety by releasing their names to the public in the aftermath of the verdict.

Incredibly, Baez also berates the public for 'having no interest in hearing Casey's side of this sordid story.'

Released: Casey Anthony (right) and her lawyer Jose Baez (left) leave the Orange County Jail in Orlando the day that Anthony was released

Released: Casey Anthony (right) and her lawyer Jose Baez (left) leave the Orange County Jail in Orlando the day that Anthony was released in July of 2011

Explaining that he took the case because he believe she was innocent, Baez adds that he developed an attachment to Casey Anthony and felt a responsibility towards her.

Never shy, Baez also relates in his new foreword how he cried when he learned that the hardback copy of the book had become a New York Times bestseller - as he tells his readers he is doing well now in 'his dream office' in Coral Gables, Florida, while mainting his Orlando office.

'If ever you need a robust defense, you know where to find me,' Baez writes.

In June the Florida judge who presided over Casey Anthony's murder trial says he was shocked by the jury's 'not guilty' verdict because there was 'sufficient evidence' that she killed her two-year-old daughter, Caylee.

Judge Belvin Perry made the extraordinary admission in his first interview since the close of Anthony's trial nearly two years ago.

'There were two sides to Casey Anthony,' Perry told NBC's Today Show. 'There was the side that was before the jury, where she portrayed the role of a mother who had lost a child - someone who was wrongfully accused. And then you could notice the change and transformation in her when the jury went out.

'Shocked:' The Florida judge who presided over Casey Anthony's murder trial, Belvin Perry, says he was shocked by the jury's 'not guilty' verdict

'Shocked:' The Florida judge who presided over Casey Anthony's murder trial, Belvin Perry, says he was shocked by the jury's 'not guilty' verdict

First interview: Perry (right) made the extraordinary admission in an interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie (left)

First interview: Perry (right) made the extraordinary admission in an interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie (left)

Watch the full interview in NBC's TODAY Show here

'She was very commanding, she took charge of different things, and you could see her sometimes scolding her attorneys.'

Perry said he believes the jury let the young mother off the hook for first-degree murder because she was 'very manipulative' and had an extraordinarily personable lawyer.

The jury handed down its 'not guilty' verdict in July of 2011. At the moment that he read the verdict from the jury, Perry described feeling 'surprise,' 'shock' and 'disbelief.'

'Wrong' verdict: Perry said 'There was sufficient evidence to sustain a verdict of murder in the first degree in this case'

'Wrong' verdict: Perry said 'There was sufficient evidence to sustain a verdict of murder in the first degree in this case'

He said he had to read the verdict twice in his head to make sure he had read it correctly.

Perry was surprised because he believed 'there was sufficient evidence to sustain a verdict of murder in the first degree in this case,' he said.

He also felt that prosecutors had 'proved a great case.'

'But you’ve got to realize this was a circumstantial evidence case,' he added. 'All the defense had to do was create that reasonable doubt, and that’s what they did.'

Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez, played a large role in swaying the jury's opinion of her innocence, Perry said. 

'The state had better lawyers, but Mr. Baez was very personable,' he said. 'He came across as someone that you would like.

'It’s like someone trying to sell a used car. Who are you going to buy it from? The most likeable salesperson.'

Anthony wasn't quite as personable as her lawyer, but she could put on a good front before the jury, Perry said.

'There was always two sides to Casey,' he said. There was the public persona that she wanted the jury to see and there was that side that she showed when the jury was not there.'

He specifically recalled a day when Anthony fought with her lawyers over a suggestion that she take a plea deal for aggravated manslaughter instead of first-degree murder. 

Shocking admission: Judge Belvin Perry, who presided over Casey Anthony's murder trial, says the jury found her not guilty because she was 'very manipulative' and had an extraordinarily personable lawyer

Shocking admission: Perry says the jury found Anthony not guilty because she was 'very manipulative' and had an extraordinarily personable lawyer

'Car salesman:' Perry compared Baez (pictured) to a used car salesman as he described how the lawyer persuaded the jury into thinking Anthony was innocent

'Car salesman:' Perry compared Baez (pictured) to a used car salesman as he described how the lawyer persuaded the jury into thinking Anthony was innocent

'I will never forget that day,' he said, noting that he was in earshot of the conversation while she was in a holding cell.

'All of a sudden, you heard shouting coming from the holding cell, some four-letter words coming from the holding cell, and she was quite upset,' he said. 'So upset that one counselor suggested that she was incompetent to proceed.'

Anthony's trial was televised and made into a spectacle as one of the most sensational stories of the year, sparking protests, drawing huge crowds to the courtroom and attracting international news coverage.

'I had no earthly idea that it would command the attention that it did worldwide,' Perry said. 'It was truly a fantastic experience.'

He said he didn't think that the cameras in the courtroom - which are permitted by Florida state law - had affected the outcome of her trial.

'In Florida we've always had cameras and I think people need to know how their justice system works,' he said.

Emotional: Casey Anthony tries to collect herself during a break in her murder trial at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando, Florida. Judge Perry says there was 'sufficient evidence' to prove that she was guilty of killing her daughter

Emotional: Casey Anthony tries to collect herself during a break in her murder trial at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando, Florida. Judge Perry says there was 'sufficient evidence' to prove that she was guilty of killing her daughter

The jury found Anthony guilty of four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. She was released from jail on July 17, 2011.

In January of this year, a Florida appeals court reduced her convictions from four to two counts.

Asked whether justice has been served in Anthony's case, Perry said that remains to be determined.

'Well justice has been served in the sense that the jury has spoken,' he said. 'But justice will finally be served one day by the judge of judges. And she will have to live with this and deal with this for the rest of her life.'

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