Justin Bieber’s Mom Speaks Out: ‘He Isn’t Perfect’
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Following a list of controversial antics during the last few months by her superstar son, Pattie Mallette admits the 19-year-old is far from perfect.
“He knows what I disagree with and he knows all the things that I’m really proud of him for, too,” Mallete says.
“I mean, people don’t talk about all the great things he does every day. Every night before a show, he meets with Make-a-Wish kids. He goes to sick kids’ hospitals. He visits with them [and] takes his time. He gives back to charities.
“I just deal with whatever comes up, I think as you would if your kid was off to college and making decisions. You just … I just talk to him, I call him … and he knows what I think.”
Recent reports claimed Pattie was furious when she found out her pop superstar son got his ninth tattoo — a huge “X” on his forearm.
Justin even promised his mom he wouldn’t get anymore tattoos, and she was blindsided on a talk show when the host showed her a photo of it and asked, “So how about this!”
Despite Pattie’s fry, Justin refused to back down.
“Don’t bring up the word ‘tattoo’ again,” he scolded her.
“This is my body – not yours!”
Tags: justin bieber, pattie mallette
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