Meditation made easy: How to achieve serenity in minutes
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Madonna Gauding, author of The Meditation Bible, gives you a beginner's guide to a meditation to bring you closer to your partner.
Benefits: Looking directly into someone else's eyes can be a deeply meditative experience.
If you feel you have been taking a partner or friend for granted, or feel less close than you would like, this healing meditation will open your heart, dissolve your defences and promote intimacy and better communication.
It can be challenging as you will feel exposed and vulnerable, especially if you have been having difficulties with your partner.
But if you can stay with it, love will prevail. After all, you both want happiness and to avoid suffering: with this in common, you can move on from there.
To start: Find a partner or friend who is willing to try this with you for the purpose of helping you feel closer to one another.
Step one: Sit cross-legged on cushions or chairs facing your partner, with your knees touching and hands resting in your lap.
Step two: Both of you take a few deep breaths to centre yourselves, then begin to look into each other's eyes.
Step three: Spend five minutes looking into each other's eyes. Try not to think. If you feel like crying, cry. If you want to smile, do.
Step four: End your meditation by giving each other a hug. If you want to say something to your partner, you can, or you can just remain silent.
Tips have been taken from The Meditation Bible by Madonna Gauding (The Godsfield Press, £13.99)
The Meditation Bible by Madonna Gauding (The Godsfield Press, £13.99). To order a copy for £11.99, including P&P, tel:
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