
Baby Gorilla Abandoned by Her Parents Finds a New Surrogate Mom

By Erin 0

Earlier this year, a too-cute baby gorilla named Gladys was rejected by her biological mother and transferred to the Cincinnati Zoo, where keepers hoped she'd bond with their band of gorillas. The strategy has paid off. The zoo says five-month-old Gladys has now bonded with a surrogate gorilla mom, 30-year-old M'Linzi, who has "carried Gladys gently from one area to the next, allowed Gladys to pick at her food ... and comforted Gladys at any sign of distress." Watch them together in this video and don't bother trying to hold down the massive "Awwwww!" brewing in your throat. The heartwarming union is thanks to the tireless efforts of zoo staff, who worked around the clock and even dressed like gorillas to teach Gladys to be with her own kind.

Tags: USA, Baby Gorilla Abandoned, Baby Gorilla Surrogate Mom, USA

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