
Jimmy Fallon Unleashes 'Breaking Bad' Parody

By Erin 0

The "Late Night" host dons a bald cap and whitey tighties to channel Walter White.

It's a great day for Breaking Bad fans. Not only is a Bad spinoff happening, but now Late Night With Jimmy Fallon has unleashed its long-teased take on the show, Joking Bad.

Jimmy Fallon sported a bald cap and whitey tighties that would give Bryan Cranston a run for his money, while announcer Steve Higgins took on the role of Jesse -- a punk with the street connections "Falsenberg" needs to sell jokes on the black market. Late Night head writer A.D. Miles plays the role of Hank, while Cranston and Aaron Paul appear in the audience to boo Fallon. Bob Odenkirk (Saul) also makes an excellence appearance as Fallon's agent.

There's plenty more in the 12-minute video, including a surprise take on the bell-ringing Hector and Colin Quinn channeling Tuco ("tight! tight! tight!"). And yes, Fallon squares off against Gus, mustard-colored shirt and all.

Tags: Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Fallon Joking Bad, Jimmy Fallon Breaking Bad Parody

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