
Not bad for a beginner! Amateur photographer takes stunning snap of an almost full-circle rainbow

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Not bad for a beginner! Amateur photographer takes stunning snap of an almost full-circle rainbow

31 Jan 2013 14:30

Nicole Cambert took the picture while stood on the Zambian side of the impressive natural spectacle


A rare almost full-circle rainbow has been photographed at Victoria Falls - by an amateur snapper.

Beginner Nicole Cambert was stood on the Zambian side of the impressive natural spectacle when she took the picture.

Nicole, a 42-year-old lawyer from Brussels, captured the shot from Livingstone Island, which is perched on the edge of the Falls in the very midst of this thundering mass of water.

She explained: "Capturing the rainbow over the falls was more challenging than I thought especially with the spray. On Livingstone Island on top of the falls I finally managed to capture this full rainbow."

While the picture shows most of the arc, it is very rare to see a full circle rainbow as the bottom is usually blocked by your horizon.

Victoria Falls is said to be the largest waterfall in the world.


Tags: Photo, Full Rainbow, Nicole Cambert

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Nicole Cambre 07/02/2013 11:33:12
Many thanks for publishing and complimenting my Victoria waterfall image. May I kindly ask you to correct the spelling of my name, it is Nicole Cambré. While it is true that I am an amateur photographer I am not an absolute beginner and have some photography experience. If you are interested in seeing more of my images, have a look at my website www.withinafrica.com. Kind regards. Nicole
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